Friday, May 31, 2019
The Feminine Religious Experience in Victorian Times Essay -- Victoria
The Feminine Religious Experience Beyond the Angel in the HouseThe conception of the prissy woman as the pious repository for her familys stockpile of religiosity consistently permeates contemporary notions of the gender roles of the era. However, the idealized role of the holy man in the house was often simply that - an ideal rather than a reality. Womens involvement in religion and spirituality varied widely based on class and level of devotion. Though the majority of womens religious duty consisted of assisting charitable works sponsored by parishes (Heeney 330), women were overly employed as local missionaries. The era also witnessed the revival of the convent as an alternative avenue for women of all classes.For the Victorian-era upper middle class family of the Pagets of London, the women received a Christian education in terms of discipline the Bible and reciting psalms. In adulthood they fulfilled their Christian duty by volunteering for and donating to various charities for the poor and/or feeble-minded (Peterson 692) However, the private letters of the Paget women often indicate that their component part the poor was not inspired by an altruistic love of all Gods creatures, as the angel the house myth would lead one to believe. Instead these were social obligations, on par with social calls to friends Catherine Paget wrote I spent the morning seeing poor people, the afternoon calling on rich ones. (Peterson 706) Lydia Paget also wrote, I unendingly go with such reluctance to visit the poor people under our care when I once get amongst them I quite enjoy myself, nevertheless on setting out I feel inclined to bend my steps in any other direction rather than the right. (Peterson 706)Beyond benignity work, women also... ...t beyond embodying the moral and spiritual core of the family.Works CitedHeeney, Brian. Womens Struggle for Professional Work and Status in the Church of England, 1900-1930. The Historical Journal 26 (1983) 329-47. JSTOR. Univ ersity of Florida Lib., Gainesville, FL. 8 Nov. 2004. Peterson, M. Jeanne. No Angels in the House The Victorian Myth and the Paget Women. The American Historical Review 26 (1984) 677-708. JSTOR. University of Florida Lib., Gainesville, FL. 8 Nov. 2004. Roden, Frederick S. Sisterhood is Powerful Christina Rossettis Maude. Women of Faith in Victorian Culture. Ed. Hogan, Anne and Andrew Bradstock. New York St. Martins Press, 1998. 63-77.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
A Comparison of Migrant Workers in The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and
Migrant Workers in The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck wrote about what surrounded him. At the time he was report, the nineteen-thirties, a considerable depression was plaguing the United States. some people were out of work. Many farmers were losing their farms and homes. An extreme drought had also wrecked the farms of the Midwest and made them into what is now referred to as the system bowl. It was a terrible time to be poor, and most were. People died of malnutrition every day. In California, where Steinbeck resided, migrant workers dominated the workforce. Thousands traveled from all around to plump down fruit in the farms of the Salinas Valley for minuscule wages. Thousands more could not find suitable Many people theorize why the depression happened. Speculation in the stock market was one reason. The dust bowl also multiplied the depressions effects. The depression did happen to coincide with another event though. It happened soon after t he stopping point frontier vanished from the United States. There was no longer free land for the taking. The long held American dream was no longer simple and cheap to achieve. Many Americans simply wanted their own plot to take and set up their lives, but the depression made this an impossibility. Steinbeck wrote about this class of people. Throughout his writing he uses many minor themes and biblical references to get his point across, but the ubiquitous theme is the story of the poor, depression era migrant worker simply nerve-wracking to retain dignity, achieve the ever important American dream of owning their own plot of land, and end the depravity that is the life of a migrant worker. Characters in Steinbecks writing always have dreams. Many of the cha... ...h-Allusions. 2001 3pp. Online. 22 March 2003. www.123helpme/2690.html Groene, Horst. The Dispossessed Farmer. Bloom 23-24.Of Mice and Men-Lonely Characters. 2001 3pp. Online. 22 March 2003. www.essay ban Of Mice and Men and Migrant Workers. 2001 3pp. Online. 22 March 2003. www.123helpme/1105.html Parini, Jay. The Masterpiece The Grapes of Wrath. 2002 3pp. Online. 6 March 2003. http// Railton, Stephen. The Joads and Their Oppressors. Bloom 31. Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York, NY Penguin Books, 2002. -. Of Mice and Men. New York, NY Penguin Books, 2002. Visser, Nicholas. Audience and Closure in The Grapes of Wrath. 1994 13pp. Online. http//
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Global Feminist and the Transnational Feminist Essay -- Gender Stu
Academic discourse is the means by which new and old theories may be utilise to a topic in frame to reach a better understanding or challenge a notion raised within the field. It is through discussing and analyzing these concepts that individual voices may be applied to an academic community, allowing for a wider lens of thought to be picked up and further discussed. Grewal participates in this discourse in her article Womens Rights as benevolent Rights womens liberationist Practices, planetary feminism, and Human Rights Regimes in Transnationality. This paper shall analyze and discuss how Grewal applies previous theoretical concepts related to feminist discourse in order to offer a Transnationalist Feminist critique to the Global Feminist notion of Womens Rights as Human Rights. prime(prenominal) and foremost, what are the concepts of Global feminism and Transnational feminism? Charlotte Bunch explains Global Feminism as something which has...a way of describing the growth of feminism(s) around the world... (Bunch 129). The core concept of Global Feminism is that women around the world are united amongst the overarching issue of patriarchy. In this take of feminism, it can be argued, such as theorists Mendoza, Said and Spivak do, that global feminism suffers from a Western perspective, or as Mendoza says, it produces a global feminism whereby First World feminists are positioned as saviors of their poor Third World sisters (Mendoza 319). Transnational feminism, as described by Mendoza, can be understood as a view where the term...points to the multiplicity of the worlds feminisms and to the increasing tendency of national feminisms to politicize womens issues beyond the borders of the nation state...the position feminists worldwide have taken a... ...Locations Global and Local, Theory and Practice, change by Marianne deKoven, pp 129-146. 2001 New Brunswick Rutgers University PressButler, Judith Excerpt from Introduction to Bodies that Matter in The G ender/Sexuality Reader Culture, History, Political Economy, edited by Roger N. Lancaster Michaela de Leonardo, pp. 531-542. 1997 RoutledgeGrewal, Inderpal Womens Rights as Human Rights Feminist Practices, Global Feminism and Human Rights Regimes in Transnationality in Citizenship Studies, 33, pp 337-354. 1999 Taylor and Francis Ltd..Mendoza, Breny Transnational Feminisms in Question in Femnist Theory, 33, pp. 295-314. 2002 Sage Publications.Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. 1995. Can the junior Speak? in The Post-Colonial Studies Reader, edited by B. Ashcroft, G. Griffiths and H. Tiffin, pp. 24-28. 1995 New York Routledge
Achieve Success Now Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Achieve Success NowWe all want to have a life story full of success. Many heap assume without question that success is essentially material, that it can be measured in money, prestige, or an abundance of possessions. These can surely play a role, but having such things is no guarantee of success. The success that we should strive for is the ability to love and have compassion, the capacity to feel joy and dissipate it to others, the security of knowing that ones life serves a purpose, and finally, a sense of connection to the power of the universe. All of these are what create the dimensions of success, which will contain inner fulfillment.We as human beings are made of mind, body, and spirit. Of these, spirit is the most important, for it connects us to the source of everything. In other words we can describe it as our conscience. The more clearly that we think, the more we will enjoy the abundance of the universe. Our conscience is broken down into many different layer s, the most important being our egoism. Our self-esteem is portrayed by our interactions with others. Some simple examples of how we should use are self esteem isAlways greet people with a smile. As simple as it sounds, a smile establishes your own self-worth and shares it with others.Always say thank you when you are praised. A simple thank you is the universal mark of an individual with self-esteem. Surround yourself with people who enjoy their work. People with self-esteem seem to radiate it to others.The second most important layer of the conscience is our attitude. 2A positive attitude nub everything. Have you ever noticed when you enter a room with a huge smile on your face, give someone a c... ... right and inflate them. In other words we must learn to give a hundred and ten percent and never give up. Remember the first whole tone to success is to think BIG and always believe in yourself in whatever you do.BibliographyApplegate, Jane. S ucceeding In Small railway line. New York Plume, 1992.Boone, Louis E. Boone & Kurts Business. Fortworth Oryden Press, 1995Davenport, Rita. reservation Time, Making Money. New York St. Martins Press, 1982.Griffen, Ricky W. How To Succeed In The Business World. 2nd ed. Boston Houghton Mifflin Co., 1988Jassinowski, Jerry, and Robert Hamrin. Making It In America. New York Simon & Schulster, 1995.Pride, William M. Business. New Jersey Prentice Hall, 1989.Vesper, Joan, and Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Contemporary Business Communication. New York Harper Collins College Publishers, 1993
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Concept of Perfectionism Essay examples -- Perfectionism Perfectio
The Concept of PerfectionismDo you push yourself to be the best? Do you realise mad at yourself for not doing the best? Do you delay assignments till the last possible limit because of fear of rejection? Do you feel horrible when organise isnt done to your best ability of when minor failures seem like catastrophic ones? These are all signs of what is known as perfectionism (Pacht 1984). If you seem to agree with approximately of these things then you might be a perfectionist. According to Websters dictionary, it states that perfectionism is a disposition which regards anything less than perfect, unacceptable. Many people in the world suffer from perfectionism. So is that case of Mike Bellah. His perfectionism lead him to a lifestyle where he lost who he was. He states, When were always playing a part, we no lifelong know who we really are. Perfectionists try to do everything perfect leading them to an unstable, unsatisfying life. There are many signs and effects of perfectionism . Coping with the disorder of being a perfectionist fag end lead to a much more stable life. There are many characteristics and causes of perfectionism Its a compulsive guide to unrealistic goals says shrink David Burns. Setting high personal standards and goals, and working hard to attain them is appropriate, he states, however, perfectionists set excessively high goals and strive compulsively to achieve them. Perfectionists have the never-ending drive to be perfect. Anything less than the best is unacceptable to them. They refuse to live with anything than the best. The constant strive for excellence in everything that one does is one key characteristic when describing 2perfectionism. Their measurement of their worth is entirely in terms of productivity and accomplishment. Perfectionists try to do so much to please others, and to show how much they jakes do, and overlook what they really want to do in life. They might take on so many jobs and get in over their head. They c ant say no to an idea because they would consider that failure. Many times, perfectionists start things over because things arent going perfect (Pacht 1984). about have long delays in complementary assignments, or repeatedly starting over on assignments because the work must be prefect from the beginning and continue to be perfect as one goes along. The causes of perfectionism can be described by th... ...nt without always accomplishing everything perfect, their life will become better manageable. Coping with perfectionism may not be easy, but these are a few key ideas to help those live better in life, and instead of trying to be perfect, to be above average or normal. The many individuals in the world who suffer with perfectionism deal with it day to day. Perfectionists want to be perfect, which leads to a life that is not perfect. You can take over set high goals for yourself, but they should be ones that can be accomplished. Some people try and harness perfectionism to w ork for them than letting it control their lives. They arent ashamed of it, and understand that it serves a useful purpose. Some people are able to control it, and some people arent. The concept of being perfect is one that cannot be achieved, because no one is ever perfect. It is a symbol of what is correct 100% and because we are human beings and not machines it is not possible. Everyone has goals for themselves, but to live a healthy life, we need to make them realistic. We can still give our best, but we need to please ourselves and be aware of who we are before we need to be perfect for others.
The Concept of Perfectionism Essay examples -- Perfectionism Perfectio
The Concept of PerfectionismDo you push yourself to be the outgo? Do you get mad at yourself for non doing the best? Do you delay assignments till the last possible limit because of fear of rejection? Do you feel horrible when work isnt done to your best ability of when minor failures seem like catastrophic ones? These are all signs of what is known as perfectionism (Pacht 1984). If you seem to agree with most of these things then you might be a perfectionist. According to Websters dictionary, it states that perfectionism is a disposition which regards anything less(prenominal) than perfect, unaccept open. Many people in the world suffer from perfectionism. So is that case of Mike Bellah. His perfectionism steer him to a lifestyle where he lost who he was. He states, When were always playing a part, we no longer know who we really are. Perfectionists fork out to do everything perfect leading them to an unstable, unsatisfying life. There are many characteristics and effects of per fectionism. Coping with the disorder of being a perfectionist can lead to a much more stable life. There are many characteristics and causes of perfectionism Its a compulsive guide to unrealistic goals says psychiatrist David Burns. Setting high face-to-face standards and goals, and working hard to attain them is appropriate, he states, however, perfectionists set excessively high goals and strive compulsively to achieve them. Perfectionists have the constant drive to be perfect. Anything less than the best is unacceptable to them. They refuse to live with anything than the best. The constant strive for excellence in everything that one does is one key characteristic when describing 2perfectionism. Their measurement of their worthy is entirely in terms of productivity and accomplishment. Perfectionists try to do so much to please others, and to show how much they can do, and overlook what they really desire to do in life. They might take on so many jobs and get in over their head. They cant say no to an estimate because they would consider that failure. Many times, perfectionists start things over because things arent going perfect (Pacht 1984). few have long delays in completing assignments, or repeatedly get-go over on assignments because the work must be prefect from the beginning and continue to be perfect as one goes along. The causes of perfectionism can be described by th... ...nt without always accomplishing everything perfect, their life will become better manageable. Coping with perfectionism may not be easy, but these are a few key ideas to attention those live better in life, and instead of trying to be perfect, to be above average or normal. The many individuals in the world who suffer with perfectionism issue with it day to day. Perfectionists want to be perfect, which leads to a life that is not perfect. You can still set high goals for yourself, but they should be ones that can be accomplished. Some people try and harness per fectionism to work for them than letting it control their lives. They arent ashamed of it, and understand that it serves a useful purpose. Some people are able to control it, and some people arent. The concept of being perfect is one that cannot be achieved, because no one is ever perfect. It is a symbol of what is correct degree centigrade% and because we are human beings and not machines it is not possible. Everyone has goals for themselves, but to live a healthy life, we affect to make them realistic. We can still give our best, but we need to please ourselves and be aware of who we are before we need to be perfect for others.
Monday, May 27, 2019
I Have a Dream Speech
Throughout the 1960s, Martin Luther King, a famous activist, engaged in various civil rights boycotts and protests, helping to come along the movement and gain its eventual victory. Out of all of his civil rights efforts, the I Have a Dream dustup, given on the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, had the greatest impact on the world. The speech managed to illustrate the racist problems of the date and provoke the consultation into feeling sympathy, while providing hope to the depressed African-American population.Kings speech not only changed history for the black community, but it also gave hope to blacks throughout the world. His speech was so successful because he was able to arouse his audience to their feet and get them to take action in society. The reason for the great impact of the speech, I Have a Dream, is due to the tense social mood of the time and that it reflects the conditions of the time, giving black activists a vision for the future.It struck directly into the hearts of blacks across America, and made whites ashamed of their actions and be willing to have a late start. In just 17 minutes, King influenced and informed the people about racial equality and fairness. Later, near the end of his speech, King continues to preach this point. For example, he stated, runty black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. King talks about the future and how one day, freedom will ring from all across the United States and how people of all races will be able to join hands and be brothers and sisters. He strongly desires a united world where racism will not exist. He says, With this faith we will be able to work together, to request together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. Overall, King intelligently used a well-planned structure to manipulate his audience into agreeing with him.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
I woke in the early hours of the following morning convinced that t here was any(prenominal) 1 in the north bedroom with me. I sat up against the pillows, rubbed my eyes, and aphorism a dark, shouldery shape standing between me and the window.Who are you? I asked, intellection that it wouldnt reply in words it would, instead, thump on the wall. erstwhile for yes, twice for no whats on your mind, Houdini? hardly the figure standing by the window made no reply at all. I groped up, ground the string hanging from the light over the bed, and yanked it. My m tabuh was turned d sustain in a grimace, my midsection tensed so tight it felt as if bullets would strike bounced off.Oh shit, I utter. Fuck me til I cry.Dangling from a hanger Id hooked over the curtain rod was my honest-to-god suede jacket. Id parked it there era unpacking and had then forgotten to store it a sort in the closet. I tried to laugh and couldnt. At ternary in the morning it fitting didnt verifym that fun ny. I turned off the light and lay punt down with my eyes open, waiting for Bunters bell to ring or the fryish sobbing to start. I was compose earshot when I fell asleep.Seven hours or so later, as I was buy the farmting arrange to go emerge to Jos studio and devour if the e blend inic owls were in the storage area, where I hadnt checked the day before, a late-model Ford rolled down my driveway and stopped nose to nose with my Chevy. I had gotten as far as the short path between the house and the studio, except now I came back. The day was hot and breathless, and I was wearing nothing unless a pair of cut-off jeans and plastic flip-flops on my feet.Jo always claimed that the Cleveland style of dressing divided itself naturally into two subgenres Full Cleveland and Cleveland unremarkable. My visitor that Tuesday morning was wearing Cleveland Casual you had your Hawaiian shirt with pineapples and monkeys, your tan slacks from Banana Republic, your white loafers. Socks are optional, but white footgear is a necessary part of the Cleveland scent, as is at least whiz piece of gaudy gold jewelry. This fellow was totally okay in the latter department he had a Rolex on adept wrist and a gold-link chain some his neck. The tail of his shirt was by, and there was a suspicious lump at the back. It was either a gun or a beeper and looked as well as big to be a beeper. I glanced at the car again. Blackwall tires. And on the dashboard, oh look at this, a covered grim bubble. The better to creep up on you unsuspected, Gramma.Michael Noonan? He was handsome in a way that would be attractive to certain women the kind who cringe when anybody in their immediate vicinity raises his voice, the kind who rarely call the police when things go wrong at home because, on some miserable secret level, they weigh they deserve things to go wrong at home. Wrong things that result in black eyes, dislocated elbows, the occasional cigarette burn on the booby. These are women who more than practically than not call their hus readinesss or lovers daddy, as in Can I bring you a beer, daddy? or Did you train a elusive day at work, daddy?Yes, Im Michael Noonan. How crowd out I help you?This version of daddy turned, bent, and grabbed something from the litter of paperwork on the passenger side of the front seat. Beneath the dash, a two-way radio squawked once, briefly, and fell silent. He turned back to me with a long, buff-colored folder in one hand. Held it out. This is yours.When I didnt take it, he stepped forward and tried to poke it into one of my palms, which would presumably cause me to close my fingers in a kind of reflex. Instead I raised both hands to shoulder-level, as if he had simply told me to put em up, Muggsy.He looked at me patiently, his face as Irish as the Arlen br other(a)s but without the Arlen look of kindness, openness, and curiosity. What was there in place of those things was a species of sour amusement, as if hed seen all of the worlds pissier behavior, most of it twice. One of his eyebrows had been split open a long time ago, and his cheeks had that reddish windburned look that indicates either ruddy good health or a deep interest in grain-alcohol products. He looked like he could knock you into the gutter and then sit on you to keep you there. I been good, daddy, get off me, dont be mean.Dont make this tough. Youre gonna take swear out of this and we both recognize it, so dont make this tough.Show me some ID maiden.He sighed, rolled his eyes, then reached into one of his shirt pockets. He brought out a leather folder and flipped it open. There was a sorryge and a photo ID. My saucy friend was George Footman, Deputy Sheriff, Castle County. The photo was flat and shadowless, like something an assault victim would see in a mugbook.Okay? he asked. I alsok the buff-backed enumeration when he held it out again. He stood there, broadcasting that sense of curdled amusement as I scanned it. I had been subpoenaed to appear in the Castle Rock lieu of Elmer Durgin, Attorney-at-Law, at ten oclock on the morning of July 10, 1998 Friday, in other words. Said Elmer Durgin had been appointed guardian ad litem of Kyra Elizabeth Devore, a minor child. He would take a deposition from me concerning any friendship I might have of Kyra Elizabeth Devore in regard to her well-being. This deposition would be taken on behalf of Castle County Superior woo and Judge Noble Ran woo. A stenographer would be present. I was assured that this was the tourist courts depo, and nothing to do with either Plaintiff or Defendant.Footman said, Its my job to remind you of the penalties should you flush it Thanks, but lets just assume you told me all about those, okay? Ill be there. I made shooing gestures at his car. I felt deeply disgusted . . . and I felt interfered with. I had never been served with a process before, and I didnt care for it.He went back to his car, started to swing in, then stopped wit h one hairy spike hung over the top of the open door. His Rolex gleamed in the hazy sunlight.Let me give you a piece of advice, he said, and that was complete to tell me anything else I needed to spot about the guy. Dont fuck with Mr. Devore.Or hell vanquish me like a bug, I said.Huh?Your actual lines are, Let me give you a piece of advice dont fuck with Mr. Devore or hell squash you like a bug.I could see by his expression half past perplexed, loss on angry that he had meant to say something truly practically like that. Obviously wed seen the same movies, including all those in which Robert De Niro plays a psycho. Then his face cleared.Oh sure, youre the writer, he said.Thats what they tell me.You can say stuff like that cause youre a writer.Well, its a free country, isnt it?Aint you a smartass, now.How long have you been working for Max Devore, Deputy? And does the County Sheriffs office know youre daydreamlighting?They know. Its not a problem. Youre the one that might have the problem, Mr. Smartass Writer.I decided it was time to quit this before we descended to the kaka-poopie stage of concern-calling.Get out of my driveway, please, Deputy.He looked at me a moment longer, obviously searching for that complete(a) capper line and not finding it. He needed a Mr. Smartass Writer to help him, that was all. Ill be looking for you on Friday, he said.Does that mean youre going to get me lunch? Dont worry, Im a fairly cheap date.His reddish cheeks darkened a degree further, and I could see what they were going to look like when he was sixty, if he didnt lay off the firewater in the meantime. He got back into his Ford and reversed up my driveway serious enough to make his tires holler. I stood where I was, watch him go. Once he was enquiryed back out Lane Forty-two to the highway, I went into the house. It occurred to me that Deputy Footmans extracurricular job must pay well, if he could afford a Rolex. On the other hand, maybe it was a knockoff.Se ttle down, Michael, Jos voice advised. The red rag is gone now, no ones waving anything in front of you, so just settle I shut her voice out. I didnt want to settle down I wanted to settle up. I had been interfered with.I walked over to the hall desk where Jo and I had always kept our pending documents (and our desk calendars, now that I panorama about it), and tacked the summons to the bulletin board by one corner of its buff-colored jacket. With that much accomplished, I raised my fist in front of my eyes, looked at the wedding ring on it for a moment, then slammed it against the wall beside the bookcase. I did it hard enough to make an entire row of paperbacks jump. I thought about Mattie Devores baggy shorts and Kmart smock, then about her father-in-law paying four and a quarter cardinal dollars for Warringtons. Writing a personal goddamned check. I thought about Bill Dean saying that one way or another, that critical fille was going to grow up in California.I walked back a nd forth through the house, still simmering, and finally ended up in front of the fridge. The heap of magnets was the same, but the letters inside had changed. Instead ofhellothey now readhelp rHelper? I said, and as soon as I hear the word out loud, I understood. The letters on the fridge consisted of only a single alphabet (no, not even that, I saw g and x had been lost someplace), and Id have to get more. If the front of my Kenmore was going to become a Ouija board, Id need a good supply of letters. Especially vowels. In the meantime, I moved the h and the e in front of the r. Now the message readlp herI scattered the circle of fruit and vegetable magnets with my palm, permeate the letters, and resumed pacing. I had made a decision not to get between Devore and his daughter-in-law, but Id wound up between them anyway. A deputy in Cleveland garb had shown up in my driveway, complicating a life that already had its problems . . . and scaring me a little in the bargain. But at least it was a fear of something I could see and apprehend. All at once I decided I wanted to do more with the summer than worry about ghosts, crying kids, and what my wife had been up to four or five years ago . . . if, in fact, she had been up to anything. I couldnt write books, but that didnt mean I had to pick scabs.Help her.I decided I would at least try.Harold Oblowski Literary Agency.Come to Belize with me, Nola, I said. I need you. Well make beautiful love at midnight, when the full moon turns the beach to a bone.Hello, Mr. Noonan, she said. No sense of humor had Nola. No sense of romance, either. In some ways that made her perfect for the Oblowski Agency. Would you like to speak to Harold?If hes in.He is. Please hold.One nice thing about being a best selling indite even one whose books only appear, as a general rule, on lists that go to fifteen is that your agent almost always happens to be in. Another is if hes vacationing on Nantucket, hell be in to you there. A troi ka is that the time you spend on hold is usually quite short.Mike he cried. Hows the lake? I thought about you all weekendYeah, I thought, and pigs allow for whistle.Things are fine in general but shitty in one particular, Harold. I need to talk to a lawyer. I thought first about calling Ward Hankins for a recommendation, but then I decided I wanted somebody a little more high-power than Ward was likely to know. Someone with filed teeth and a taste for human flesh would be nice.This time Harold didnt bother with the long-pause routine. Whats up, Mike? Are you in vex?Thump once for yes, twice for no, I thought, and for one wild moment thought of actually doing just that. I remembered finishing Christy Browns memoir, Down All the Days, and enquire what it would be like to write an entire book with the pen grasped between the toes of your left foot. Now I wondered what it would be like to go through eternity with no way to communicate but rapping on the cellar wall. And even then only certain people would be able to hear and understand you . . . and only those certain people at certain times.Jo, was it you? And if it was, why did you answer both ways?Mike? Are you there?Yes. This isnt really my trouble, Harold, so dispassionate your jets. I do have a problem, though. Your main guy is Goldacre, right?Right. Ill call him right aw But he deals primarily with contracts law. I was thinking out loud now, and when I paused, Harold didnt fill it. Sometimes hes an all-right guy. Most times, really. Call him for me anyway, would you? Tell him I need to talk to an attorney with a good working knowl frame of child-custody law. Have him put me in touch with the best one whos free to take a case immediately. One who can be in court with me Friday, if thats necessary.Is it paternity? he asked, sounding both respectful and afraid.No, custody. I thought about telling him to get the whole story from the Lawyer to Be Named Later, but Harold deserved better . . . and would d emand to hear my version sooner or later anyway, no matter what the lawyer told him. I gave him an account of my Fourth of July morning and its aftermath. I stuck with the Devores, mentioning nothing about voices, crying children, or thumps in the dark. Harold only interrupted once, and that was when he realized who the villain of the piece was.Youre asking for trouble, he said. You know that, dont you?Im in for a certain measure of it in any case, I said. Ive decided I want to dish out a little as well, thats all.You will not have the peace and quiet that a writer needs to do his best work, Harold said in an a contemplationly prim voice. I wondered what the reaction would be if I said that was okay, I hadnt written anything more riveting than a grocery list since Jo died, and maybe this would stir me up a little. But I didnt. Never let em see you sweat, the Noonan clans motto. Someone should carve DONT WORRY IM FINE on the door of the family crypt.Then I thought help r.That juve nility woman needs a friend, I said, and Jo would have wanted me to be one to her. Jo didnt like it when the little folks got stepped on.You think?Yeah.Okay, Ill see who I can find. And Mike . . . do you want me to come up on Friday for this depo?No. It came out sounding needlessly abrupt and was followed by a tranquillity that seemed not calculated but hurt. Listen, Harold, my caretaker said the actual custody hearing is scheduled soon. If it happens and you still want to come up, Ill give you a call. I can always use your moral support you know that.In my case its immoral support, he replied, but he sounded cheery again.We said goodbye. I walked back to the fridge and looked at the magnets. They were still scattered hell to breakfast, and that was sort of a relief. Even the spirits must have to rest sometimes.I took the cordless phone, went out onto the deck, and plonked down in the chair where Id been on the night of the Fourth, when Devore called. Even after my visit from dadd y, I could still hardly believe that conversation. Devore had called me a liar I had told him to stick my telephone number up his ass. We were off to a great start as neighbors.I pulled the chair a little closer to the edge of the deck, which dropped a giddy forty feet or so to the slope between Saras backside and the lake. I looked for the green woman Id seen while swimming, telling myself not to be a dope things like that you can see only from one angle, stand even ten feet off to one side or the other and theres nothing to look at. But this was apparently a case of the exceptions proving the rule. I was both amused and a little uneasy to realize that the birch down there by The Street looked like a woman from the land side as well as from the lake. Some of it was due to the pine just behind it that bare branch jutting off to the north like a bony pointing arm but not all of it. From back here the birchs white limbs and narrow leaves still made a womans shape, and when the wind shook the lower levels of the tree, the green and silver swirled like long skirts.I had said no to Harolds well-meant offer to come up almost before it was fully articulated, and as I looked at the tree-woman, rather ghostly in her own right, I knew why Harold was loud, Harold was insensitive to nuance, Harold might frighten off whatever was here. I didnt want that. I was scared, yes standing on those dark cellar stairs and listening to the thumps from just below me, I had been fucking terrified but I had also felt fully alive for the first time in years. I was touching something in Sara that was entirely beyond my experience, and it fascinated me.The cordless phone rang in my lap, making me jump. I grabbed it, expecting Max Devore or perhaps Footman, his overgolded minion. It turned out to be a lawyer named John Storrow, who sounded as if he might have graduated from law school fairly recently like last week. Still, he worked for the firm of Avery, McLain, and Bernstein on Park Avenue, and Park Avenue is a picturesque good address for a lawyer, even one who still has a few of his milk-teeth. If Henry Goldacre said Storrow was good, he probably was. And his specialty was custody law.Now tell me whats happening up there, he said when the introductions were over and the reach had been sketched in.I did my best, feeling my spirits rise a little as the tale wound on. Theres something oddly comforting about talking to a sub judice guy once the billable-hours clock has started running you have passed the magical point at which a lawyer becomes your lawyer. Your lawyer is warm, your lawyer is sympathetic, your lawyer makes notes on a yellow pad and nods in all the right places. Most of the questions your lawyer asks are questions you can answer. And if you cant, your lawyer will help you find a way to do so, by God. Your lawyer is always on your side. Your enemies are his enemies. To him you are never shit but always Shinola.When I had finished, John Storrow s aid Wow. Im affect the papers havent gotten hold of this.That never occurred to me. But I could see his point. The Devore family saga wasnt for the New York Times or Boston Globe, probably not even for the Derry News, but in weekly supermarket tabs like The National Enquirer or Inside View, it would fit like a glove instead of the girl, King Kong decides to snatch the girls innocent child and carry it with him to the top of the Empire State Building. Oh, eek, unhand that baby, you brute. It wasnt front-page stuff, no blood or celebrity morgue shots, but as a page society shouter it would do nicely. In my mind I composed a headline blaring over side-by-side pix of Warringtons Lodge and Matties rusty doublewide COMPU-KING LIVES IN immenseness AS HE TRIES TO TAKE YOUNG BEAUTYS ONLY CHILD. Probably too long, I decided. I wasnt writing anymore and still I needed an editor. That was pretty sad when you stopped to think about it.Perhaps at some point well see that they do get the story , Storrow said in a musing tone. I realized that this was a man I could grow attached to, at least in my present angry mood. He grew brisker. Whom I representing here, Mr. Noonan? You or the untested noblewoman? I vote for the young lady.The young lady doesnt even know Ive called you. She may think Ive taken a bit too much on myself. She may, in fact, give me the rough side of her tongue.Why would she do that? Because shes a Yankee a Maine Yankee, the worst kind. On a given over day, they can make the Irish look logical.Perhaps, but shes the one with the target pinned to her shirt. I suggest that you call and tell her that.I promised I would. It wasnt a hard promise to make, either. Id known Id have to be in touch with her ever since I had accepted the summons from Deputy Footman. And who stands for Michael Noonan come Friday morning?Storrow laughed dryly. Ill find psyche local to do that. Hell go into this Durgins office with you, sit quietly with his briefcase on his lap, and listen. I may be in town by that point I wont know until I talk to Ms. Devore but I wont be in Durgins office. When the custody hearing comes around, though, youll see my face in the place.All right, good. Call me with the name of my new lawyer. My other new lawyer.Uh-huh. In the meantime, talk to the young lady. Get me a job.Ill try.Also try to stay visible if youre with her, he said. If we give the bad guys room to get nasty, theyll get nasty.Theres nothing like that between you, is there? Nothing nasty? Sorry to have to ask, but I do have to ask.No, I said. Its been quite some time since Ive been up to anything nasty with anyone.Im tempted to commiserate, Mr. Noonan, but under the circumstances Mike. Make it Mike.Good. I like that. And Im John. People are going to talk about your involvement anyway. You know that, dont you?Sure. People know I can afford you. Theyll speculate about how she can afford me. Pretty young widow, middle-aged widower. Sex would seem the most likely.Yo ure a realist.I dont really think I am, but I know a hawk from a handsaw.I hope you do, because the ride could get rough. This is an extremely ample man were going up against. Yet he didnt sound scared. He sounded almost . . . greedy. He sounded the way part of me had felt when I saw that the magnets on the fridge were back in a circle.I know he is.In court that wont matter a whole helluva lot, because theres a certain amount of money on the other side. Also, the judge is going to be very aware that this one is a powderkeg. That can be useful.Whats the best thing weve got going for us? I asked this thinking of Kyras rosy, unmarked face and her complete lack of fear in the presence of her mother. I asked it thinking John would reply that the charges were clearly unfounded. I thought wrong.The best thing? Devores age. Hes got to be older than God.Based on what Ive heard over the weekend, I think he must be eighty-five. That would make God older.Yeah, but as a potential dad he makes T ony Randall look like a teenager, John said, and now he sounded positively gloating. Think of it, Michael the kid graduates from high school the year Gramps turns one hundred. Also theres a chance the old mans overreached himself. Do you know what a guardian ad litem is?No.Essentially its a lawyer the court appoints to protect the interests of the child. A fee for the service comes out of court costs, but its a pittance. Most people who agree to serve as guardian ad litem have strictly altruistic motives . . . but not all of them. In any case, the ad litem puts his own spin on the case. Judges dont have to take the guys advice, but they almost always do. It makes a judge look stupid to reject the advice of his own appointee, and the thing a judge hates above all others is looking stupid.Devore will have his own lawyer?John laughed. How about half a dozen at the actual custody hearing?Are you serious?The guy is eighty-five. Thats too old for Ferraris, too old for bungee jumping in T ibet, and too old for whores unless hes a mighty man. What does that leave for him to spend his money on?Lawyers, I said bleakly.Yep.And Mattie Devore? What does she get?Thanks to you, she gets me, John Storrow said. Its like a John Grisham novel, isnt it? Pure gold. Meantime, Im interested in Durgin, the ad litem. If Devore hasnt been expecting any real trouble, he may have been inexpedient enough to put temptation in Durgins way. And Durgin may have been stupid enough to succumb. Hey, who knows what we might find?But I was a turn back. She gets you, I said. Thanks to me. And if I wasnt here to stick in my oar? What would she get then?Bubkes. Thats Yiddish. It means I know what it means, I said. Thats incredible.Nope, just American justice. You know the lady with the scales? The one who stands outside most city courthouses?Uh-huh.Slap some handcuffs on that broads wrists and some tape over her mouth to go along with the blindfold, fuck up her and roll her in the mud. You like tha t image? I dont, but its a fair representation of how the law works in custody cases where the plaintiff is rich and the defendant is poor. And sexual equality has actually made it worse, because while mothers still tend to be poor, they are no longer seen as the automatic woof for custody.Mattie Devores got to have you, doesnt she?Yes, John said simply. Call me tomorrow and tell me that she will.I hope I can do that.So do I. And listen theres one more thing.What?You lied to Devore on the telephone.BullshitNope, nope, I hate to contradict my sisters favorite author, but you did and you know it. You told Devore that mother and child were out together, the kid was weft flowers, everything was fine. You put everything in there except Bambi and Thumper.I was sitting up straight in my deck-chair now. I felt sandbagged. I also felt that my own cleverness had been overlooked. Hey, no, think again. I never came out and said anything. I told him I assumed. I used the word more than once. I remember that very clearly.Uh-huh, and if he was taping your conversation, youll get a chance to actually count how many times you used it.At first I didnt answer. I was thinking back to the conversation Id had with him, remembering the underhum on the phone line, the characteristic underhum I remembered from all my previous summers at Sara Laughs. Had that steady low mmmmm been even more discernible on Saturday night? I guess maybe there could be a tape, I said reluctantly.Uh-huh. And if Devores lawyer gets it to the ad litem, how do you think youll sound?Careful, I said. Maybe like a man with something to hide.Or a man spinning yarns. And youre good at that, arent you? After all, its what you do for a living. At the custody hearing, Devores lawyer is apt to mention that. If he then produces one of the people who passed you shortly after Mattie arrived on the scene . . . a person who testifies that the young lady seemed upset and flustered . . . how do you think youll sound then ?Like a liar, I said, and then Ah, fuck.Fear not, Mike. Be of good cheer.What should I do?Spike their guns before they can fire them. Tell Durgin exactly what happened. Get it in the depo. Emphasize the fact that the little girl thought she was walk of life safely. Make sure you get in that crossmock thing. I love that.Then if they have a tape theyll play it and Ill look like a story-changing schmuck.I dont think so. You werent a sworn witness when you talked to Devore, were you? There you were, sitting out on your deck and minding your own business, watching the fireworks show. Out of the blue this grouchy old asshole calls you. Starts ranting. Didnt even give him your number, did you?No.Your unlisted number.No.And while he said he was Maxwell Devore, he could have been anyone, right?Right.He could have been the Shah of Iran.No, the Shahs dead.The Shahs out, then. But he could have been a nosy neighbor . . . or a prankster.Yes.And you said what you said with all those possibilitie s in mind. But now that youre part of an authorised court proceeding, youre telling the whole truth and nothing but.You bet. That good my-lawyer feeling had deserted me for a bit, but it was back full-force now. You cant do better than the truth, Mike, he said solemnly. Except maybe in a few cases, and this isnt one. Are we clear on that?Yes.All right, were done. I want to hear from either you or Mattie Devore around elevenish tomorrow. It ought to be her.Ill try.If she really balks, you know what to do, dont you?I think so. Thanks, John.One way or another, well talk very soon, he said, and hung up.I sat where I was for awhile. Once I pushed the button which opened the line on the cordless phone, then pushed it again to close it. I had to talk to Mattie, but I wasnt quite ready yet. I decided to take a walk instead.If she really balks, you know what to do, dont you?Of course.Remind her that she couldnt afford to be proud. That she couldnt afford to go all Yankee, refusing charity f rom Michael Noonan, author of Being Two, The Red-Shirt Man, and the soon-to-be-published Helens Promise. Remind her that she could have her pride or her daughter, but likely not both.Hey, Mattie, pick one.I walked almost to the end of the lane, stopping at Tidwells hayfield with its pretty view down to the cup of the lake and across to the White Mountains. The water dreamed under a hazy sky, looking gray when you tipped your head one way, blue when you tipped it the other. That sense of mystery was very much with me. That sense of Manderley.Over forty black people had settled here at the turn of the century lit here for awhile, anyway according to Marie Hingerman (also according to A History of Castle County and Castle Rock, a weighty tome published in 1977, the countys bicentennial year). Pretty special black people, toomost of them related, most of them talented, most of them part of a musical group which had first been called The Red-Top Boys and then Sara Tidwell and the Red-T op Boys. They had bought the hayfield and a good-sized tract of lakeside land from a man named Douglas Day. The money had been saved up over a period of ten years, according to gent Tidwell, who did the dickering (as a Red-Top, Son Tidwell had played what was then known as chickenscratch guitar).There had been a vast uproar about it in town, and even a group meeting to protest the advent of these darkies, which come in a Horde. Things had settled down and turned out okay, as things have a way of doing, more often than not. The shanty town most locals had expected on Days Hill (for so Tidwells Meadow was called in 1900, when Son Tidwell bought the land on behalf of his extensive clan) had never appeared. Instead, a number of neat white cabins sprang up, surrounding a larger building that might have been intended as a group meeting place, a rehearsal area, or perhaps, at some point, a performance hall.Sara and the Red-Top Boys (sometimes there was a Red-Top Girl in there, as well me mbership in the band was fluid, changing with every performance) played around western Maine for over a year, maybe closer to two years. In towns all up and down the horse opera Line Farmington, Skowhegan, Bridgton, Gates Falls, Castle Rock, Morton, Fryeburg youll still come across their old show-posters at barn bazaars and junkatoriums. Sara and the Red-Tops were great favorites on the circuit, and they got along all right at home on the TR, too, which never surprised me. At the end of the day Robert Frost that utilitarian and often unpleasant poet was right in the northeastern three we really do believe that good fences make good neighbors. We squawk and then keep a miserly peace, the kind with gimlet eyes and a tucked-down mouth. They pay their bills, we say. I aint never had to shoot one a their dogs, we say. They keep themselves to themselves, we say, as if isolation were a virtue. And, of course, the defining virtue They dont take charity.And at some point, Sara Tidwell b ecame Sara Laughs.In the end, though, TR-90 mustnt have been what they wanted, because after playing a county fair or two in the late summer of 1901, the clan moved on. Their neat little cabins provided summer-rental income for the Day family until 1933, when they burned in the summer fires which charred the east and north sides of the lake. End of story.Except for her music, that was. Her music had lived.I got up from the rock I had been sitting on, stretched my arms and my back, and walked back down the lane, singing one of her songs as I went.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Early Perspectives in Psychology Essay
Structuralism emphasized that the objective of psychology is to study the elements of consciousness and to learn how it operates and how it influences behavior (Eysenck, 1998). Structuralism foc apply more on the structure of consciousness and tried to identify the different feels that each sensation and perception elicited. They believed that by breaking down the elements of each sensation, they would be able to light up a better understanding of human behavior.For example they tried to identify the different tastes that a person could experience, like salty, sour, sweet and bitter. By identifying the structure of the experience and of how a person perceives it, psychologists can identify the different behaviors that the individual may exhibit based on that experience, like when some unity who eats something salty may make a grimace and then look for a drink. The method used by structuralists was introspection or the systematic observation of ones experience.Structuralism was an attempt by psychology to become scientific experiments were conducted to define the different elements of consciousness. Psychologists were accomplished to explore behavior by analyzing their own experience, introspectionism as a method was heavily criticized because it was a vague concept that did non lend itself to scientific replication. Moreover, it was difficult to learn and was subjective.Structuralism however provided a limited vision of psychology and there arose a different panorama called behaviorism. Behaviorism posits that the goal of psychology is to examine behavior. Overt behavior as seen by behaviorists as the save human facet that can be objectively analyzed, how a person reacts or behaves towards a stimuli explains behavior (Zimbardo, Gerrig & Richard, 1999). Behaviorists believed that a person can be trained to exhibit a certain behaviory providing him/her with the right environment and learning. Although behaviorism gained popularity in the field of psychol ogy, many criticized it as being too mechanistic and take the human race out of the person. One of the appeal of behaviorism however was that it was very objective and treated mental processes as kind of a black box that should not be given due importance because it was not overtly possible. Behaviorists think that a persons behavior is a reaction to the presenting stimuli.Behaviorism used the scientific method to study behavior one of its most important contributions is the concept of classical and operant conditioning. It has been applied to a wide range of mental fields like education, training and psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis was developed by Freud in the period when Behaviorism was at its height. Psychoanalysis as a psychological perspective says that mans behavior is influenced by his experiences during childhood (Conlan, 1994).Psychoanalysis also believes that human behavior is greatly influenced by the unconscious part of the human mind. He likened the human mind to an ic eberg wherein the tip was the part that was conscious. Psychoanalytic theory argues that an individuals internal conflict is brought about by the repressed desires of the person. The method used by psychoanalysis is free association, wherein the person is asked to relate to the therapist what comes to mind, aside from free association, psychoanalysis also delved into dream analysis and hypnosis.The theory was criticized for grownup too much importance to the unconscious and at that time, Freud offered a controversial perspective of human behavior which many did not understand, however it has become one of the most important theories in psychology and many theorists within this orientation developed. Psychoanalytic theory however lacked scientific credence as it was focused on personal thoughts, memories and interpretations of which differed from one theorist to another.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Case Study: Jollibee Foods Corporation Essay
Problem StatementThe newly appointed head of International division Mr Manolo .P. Tingzon is pondering into ternion key opportunities that the firm Jollibee Food Corporation facing whether to enter the small PNG(Papua New Guinea) grocery store where it will be a first mover, to expand into Hong Kong where is an alert base but the local deal doesnt standardized Jollibees Philippines-based fast food model, and a proposal to share the huge benefit in U.S. market by establishing an operation in California.Objectives1. Keep the certain business model franchising2. fight backing food marketing investment in building image (symbolization)3. Local market penetration with strong local brands4. Highly customer responsiveness5. Maintain customer value and loyalty6. Establishing the commercial spots in foreign countriesAlternatives1. food market entry strategies such as Franchising, Alliances, Joint ventures, Wholly owned subsidiaries 2. Substantive appendage strategies Horizontal and vertical integration strategies 3. Limited growth strategies Do nothing, Market penetration strategies 4. downsizing strategies Retrenchment, Turnaround strategiesConsequences of AlternativesWhen analyzing the case study it is clear that Jollibee Inc. has higher pressure to respond to local wishes in Philippines due to the entry of global giants like McDonalds. This is due to the fact that Jollibee had a strong presence in Philippines but at the same it should tackle the adaptation pressure from McDonalds. This is also supported by the fact that Jollibee was franchising their brand to foreign countries on very strict terms which do not allow any changes to the menu.And we can use the goals including Keep the original business model franchising, Maintaining Marketing investment in building image (symbolization), Local market penetration with strong local brands, Highly customer responsiveness, Maintain customer value and loyalty and Establishing the commercial spots in foreign coun tries with the four strategy (Market entry strategies, Substantive growth strategies, Limited growth strategies and Retrenchment strategies to established the table 1.Tradeoffs/ Analysis of AlternativesTingzons decision can based on the table 2 shows below, it can be seen clearly that the Substantive growth strategies (Horizontal and vertical integration strategies) has the highly scores. Because Jollibee entering the markets without any clear cut idea, since Mr. Kitchner strongly believe in gaining the first mover advantage, Jollibee is expanding into the markets where the competitors little are no presence, to plant the flag without any long term perspectives. The companys strategy can be more identified with the world(prenominal) strategy where the locale of power lies with the parent company in the Philippines. With much of happening in the international arena too. After Kitchners got hired, he encouraged localization by separating international business completely from the do mestic ones.RecommendationsPapua New GuineaAs evident from the data given in the case, it is quite evident that the company is having immense opportunities in Papua New Guinea. As the market there is untapped and the only competitor there is an unorganized and unprofessional local company, Jollibee can literally get a first mover advantage, therefore JFC must choose the Horizontal and vertical integration strategy. Hong KongCurrently all the three stores established in Hong Kong are facing lot of management issues as mentioned in the problem statement hence it is required that first this management issues must be sorted out instead than putting additional resources in expansion plans CaliforniaThe company has to start with focusing on both the Filipinos as well as local people and design the menu that would help maintaining the brand identity along with catering to the local interests. To put it simple and straight, Company needs to adapt a trans-national strategy.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Colonial Politics and Democracy
Democracy is a much contested concept. Its notion differs with reference to the type of government a state employs. But in general sense, democracy pertains to a type of government in which the role and the involvement of every individual be very significant. The term democracy rattling is derived from the Greek word demos which means spate, and from kratos which means rule. In other words, democracy entails a form of government that is ruled by the people themselves. (Tilly, 2007)It is said that democratization has been whiz of the impending features of globalization. (Ray & Kaarbo, 2004) Regarding this, states and nations are beginning to patronize the underlying and the basic principles of democracy. But prior to the concept of globalization, colonial politics had been one of the first mechanisms used to promote democracy.(Andrews, 2001)Some defined features of colonial politics that help the rise and institutionalization of democracy to other states and nations in the world i nclude the idea that post and authority should not be bestowed to a single person for that person has this tendency of abusing his obtained index number and authority. Conversely, those countries who abide by the principles of democracy divided or distributed two power and authority to three branches of the government, namely the executive, legislature and judiciary.Through this structure, checks and balances are very much possible. Another defining mark of colonial politics is the method of governorship wherein power and authority is distributed among the elected or delegated governors. These governors rule state provinces. Lastly, the process of election is inherent in a democratic form of government. In this method, every citizen has the counterbalance to vote for whom he or she thinks fit to rule.(Lijphart, 1999)The significance of these features of colonial politics really contributed to the rise of democracy. They show that the role and involvement of every individual are the integral part of democracy. Hence, it should be first arranged and managed by the government in order for the state to function as really democratic.ReferenceAndrews, C. M. (2001). Colonial Self-Government, 1652-1689. baseball field Media Corporation.Lijphart, A. (1999). Patterns of Democracy Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries. Yale University Press.Ray, J. L., & Kaarbo, J. (2004). Global Politics (8th ed ed.). Houghton Mifflin Company.Tilly, C. (2007). Democracy (First ed ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Fi515 Chapter 1 Mini Case
MINI CASE a. Why is corporate pay important to all(a) managers? Corporate finance is important to all managers because it provides managers the skills needed to identify and select the corporate strategies and individual projects that add value to their unassailable and forecast the funding requirements of their connection and devise strategies for getting those coin. b. Describe the organizational forms a gild might have as it evolves from a start-up to a major corporation. List the advantages and disadvantages of each form.The organizational forms a company might have as it evolves from a start-up to a major corporation ar proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. The advantages of a proprietorship atomic number 18 Easy and inexpensive to form, effect to few government regulations, and Income not arna to corporate taxation. The disadvantages of a proprietorship are May be difficult to obtain the slap-up needed for growth, numberless personal liability for the barte res debts, and Limited to the life of its founder. The advantages of a partnership are Relatively easy to establish, Increased ability to raise funds, Prospective employees become attracted to the business if given the incentive to become a partner, May benefit from the combination of complementary skills of two or more people, Can be constitute effective, and deliver moral support and will allow for more creative brainstorming. The disadvantages of a partnership are Partners are jointly and individually liable for the actions of the other partners, acquire must be shared, Disagreements can occur, May have limited life, Has limitations that financial backings it from becoming a large business, Partners have to consult with each other forwards making decisions, and Unlimited liability.The advantages of a corporation are Unlimited life, Easy transferability of ownership interest, and Limited liability. The disadvantages of a corporation are Earnings may be subject to double taxat ion, and Complex and time-consuming set up. c. How do corporations go popular and continue to grow? What are agency problems? What is corporate governance? cans go in the public eye(predicate) and continue to grow by selling stock to outsiders or venture capitalists, attracting lending from banks or raising additional funds through an initial public offering (IPO) by selling stock to the public at large.Agency problems are conflicts of interest arising between creditors, shareholders and managers because of differing goals. Corporate governance is the relationship between all the stakeholders in the company. d. What should be the primary objective of managers? The primary objective of managers is stockholder wealth maximization, which means to maximize the fundamental price of the firms commonplace stock and not just the current market price. 1)Do firms have any responsibilities to society at large? Yes, firms have responsibilities to society at large.Corporate kind responsibil ity is opemilitary rating a business in a manner that accounts for the social and environmental impact created by the business. This means a commitment to maturation policies that integrate responsible practices into daily business operations and to reporting on progress made toward implementing these practices. 2)Is stock price maximization good or unsound for society? Stock price maximization is good for society. Shareholders are members of society. Consumers benefit when companies develop products and services that consumers want and need, which leads to new technology and new products.Employees benefit generally when companies successfully increase stock prices, it opens up growth and addition for more employees. 3)Should firms behave ethically? Yes, firms should behave ethically. There is no room for unethical demeanour in the business world. Most executives believe that there is a positive correlation between ethics and long-run profitability. Conflicts often arise between benefit and ethics. Companies must deal with these conflicts on a regular basis. Failure to handle these situations properly can lead to huge product liability suits and even bankruptcy. e.What iii aspects of change flows affect the value of any investment? The three aspects of cash flows the affect the value of any investment are the amount of expected cash flows, the timing of the cash flow stream, and the risk of the cash flows. f. What are free cash flows? Free cash flows are the monies available for distribution to all investors subsequently paying current expenses, taxes, and making the investments necessary for growth. g. What is the weighted average cost of capital? The weighted average cost of capital is the rate that a company is expected to pay on average to all its security holders to finance its assets. . How do free cash flows and the weighted average cost of capital move to determine a firms value? Free Cash Flow = Sales Revenues Operating Costs and Taxes Req uired Investments in Operating Capital. heavy Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is affected by market interest range, market risk aversion, cost of debt, cost of equity, firms debt/equity mix, and firms business risk. Therefore, free cash flows and the weighted average cost of capital interact to determine a firms value by the following equation Value=FCF1+FCF2+ +FCF00 (1 + WACC)1(1 + WACC)2(1 + WACC)00 i.Who are the providers (savers) and users (borrowers) of capital? How is capital transferred between savers and borrowers? Households and some foreign governments are the providers (savers) of capital. Non- financial corporations net users and U. S. governments are users (borrowers) of capital. monetary corporations are slight users (borrowers), but almost breakeven. Capital is transferred between savers and borrowers by direct transfer, through an investment banking house, or through a financial intermediary. j. What do we call the price that a borrower must pay for debt capital? What is the price of equity capital?What are the four most fundamental factors that affect the cost of cash, or the general aim of interest rates, in the economy? The price that a borrower must pay for debt capital is called the interest rate. The price of equity capital is the cost of equity equals required lessen equals dividend yield plus capital gains. The four most fundamental factors that affect the cost of money, or the general level of interest rates, in the economy are production opportunities, time preferences for consumption, risk, and expected inflation. k. What are some frugal conditions (including international aspects) that affect the cost of money? rough economic conditions (including international aspects) that affect the cost of money are country risk and exchange rate risk. Country risk depends on the countrys economic, political, and social environment. Exchange rate risk is dependent on the non-dollar denominated investments value. l. What are financial secu rities? Describe some financial instruments. Financial securities are pieces of paper with contractual provisions that entitle their owners to specific rights and claims on specific cash flows or values. Some financial instruments are U. S. Treasury Bills Sold by U. S.Treasury Default-free risk 91 days to one year original due date Money Market Mutual Funds Invest in short-run debt held by businesses and individuals Low degree of risk No specific maturity (instant liquidity) Consumer Credit Loans Loans by banks/credit unions/finance companies Risk is variable Original maturity is variable U. S. Treasury Notes and sticks Issued by U,S, government No default risk, but price falls if interest rate rises 2-30 years original maturity municipal Bonds Issued by state and local government to individuals and institutions Riskier than U. S. overnment guides, but exempt from most taxes Up to 30 years original maturity m. List some financial institutions. Some financial institutions are c ommercial banks, investment banks, savings and loan, mutual savings bands, credit unions, life insurance companies, mutual funds, pension funds, and hedge funds and private equity funds. n. What are some different types of markets? Some different types of markets are physical asset markets, financial asset markets, spot markets, future markets, money markets, capital markets, mortgage markets, consumer credit markets, and world, national, regional and local markets. . How are secondary markets organized? Secondary markets are organized by location and the way that orders from buyers and sellers are matched. 1)List some physical location markets and some computer/telephone networks. Some physical locations markets are New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), the dough Board of Trade (CBOT), and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Some computer/telephone networks are NASDAQ, government bond markets, and foreign exchange markets. 2)Explain the differences between open rall ying cry auctions, dealer markets, and electronic communications networks (ECNs).Auction markets are markets where participants have a seat on the exchange, meet face-to-face, and place orders for themselves or for their clients. The two largest auction markets for stocks are the New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange. The New York Stock Exchange is a modified auction with a specialist. Dealer markets are markets where dealers keep an inventory of the stock (or other financial assets) and place bids and ask advertisements, which are prices at which they are willing to buy and sell. There are often legion(predicate) dealers for each stock.A computerized quotation system keeps track of bid and ask prices, but does not automatically match buyers and sellers. Examples of dealer markets are the NASDAQ National Market, NASDAQ downhearted Cap Market, London SEAQ, and German Neuer Market. Electronic communication networks (ECNs) are computerized systems that match orders from buyers and sellers and automatically execute the transaction. It is a low cost to transact. Examples of ECNs are Instinet (U. S. stocks owned by NASDAQ), Archipelago (U. S. stocks owned by NYSE), Eurex (Swiss-German futures contracts), and SETS (London stocks). p.Briefly explain mortgage securitization and how it contributed to the global economic crisis. Mortgage securitization is the pooling of various mortgage loans and their usage as collateral to issue securities. This work allows the originator of the mortgage loans to restructure its balance sheet by reducing the receivables and using the funds received from the sale of securities to invest elsewhere. Mortgage securitization allows the originators of the loans to diversify their risk besides enabling them to secure immediate liquidity for assets which would otherwise have face some difficulty in trading. http//www. economywatch. com/finance/ full(prenominal)-finance/mortgage-securitization. html) Mortgage securitizatio n contributed to the global economic crisis in legion(predicate) ways. Homeowners wanted better homes than they could founder. Mortgage brokers encourage homeowners to take mortgages even though they would reset the payments to amounts that the borrowers might not have been able to afford because the brokers got a commission for closing the deal. Appraisers were over-appraising house values and getting paid at the time of the appraisal. Originating institutions (e. . , Countrywide) were quickly selling the mortgages to investment banks and other institutions. Investment banks created CDOs and got rating agencies to help design and then rate the new CDOs with rating agencies making big profits despite the conflicts of interest. Financial engineers used unrealistic inputs to generate high values for the CDOs. Investment banks sold the CDOs to investors and made big profits. Investors bought the CDOs but either didnt understand or didnt care about the risk. Some investors bought insu rance via credit default swap. When the mortgages were reset and the borrowers defaulted on them, the values of the CDOs plummeted. Many of the credit default swaps failed to provide insurance because the counterparty failed. Many originators and securitizers still owned sub-prime securities, which led to many bankruptcies, government takeovers, and fire sales including New Century, Countrywide, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and many more. PROBLEMS (2-6)In its most recent financial statements, Newhouse, Inc. reported $50 million of net income and $810 million of retained earnings.The precedent retained earnings were $780 million. How much in dividends was paid to shareholders during the year? Dividends Paid= (Previous Retained Earnings + Net Income) Recent Retained Earnings = ($780 million + $50 million) $810 million = $830 million $810 million = $20 million (2-7)The Talley Corporation had a taxable income of $365,000 from operations after all operating costs but before (1) interest charges of $50,000, (2) dividends received of $15,000, (3) dividends paid of $25,000, and (4) income taxes.What are the firms income tax liability and its after-tax income? What are the companys marginal and average tax rates on taxable income? Taxable Income$365,000 Less Interest Charges(50,000) rundown Dividends Received4, vitamin D? $15,000(1 0. 70) = $4,500 Total Taxable Income$319,500 Tax Liability= $22,250 + ($319,500 $100,000)(0. 39) = $22,250 + ($219,500)(0. 39) = $22,250 + $85,605 = $107,855 After-Tax Income Total Taxable Income$319,500 Less Tax Liability(107,855) Plus Non-taxable Dividends Received10,500? 15,000(0. 70) = $10,500 Net Income$222,145 Marginal Tax Rate = 39% Average Tax Rate= Tax Interest Income/Taxable Operating Income = $107,855/$319,500 = 0. 33757 or 33. 76% (2-9)The Shrieves Corporation has $10,000 that it plans to invest in marketable securities. It is choosing among AT&T bonds, which yield 7. 5%, state of Florida muni bonds, which yield 5% (but are no t taxable), and AT&T favorite(a) stock, with a dividend yield of 6%. Shrieves corporate tax rate is 35%, and 70% of the dividends received are tax exempt.Find the after-tax rates of return on all three securities. AT&T Bonds $10,000 x 7. 5% = $750 Taxes = $750 x 35% = $262. 50 $750 $262. 50 = $487. 50 AT&T Bond Yield = $487. 50/$10,000 = 0. 04875 or 4. 875% AT&T Preferred Stock $10,000 x 6% = $600 Tax Exemption = $600 x 70% = $420 Taxable Income = $600 $420 = $ clxxx Taxes = $180 x 35% = $63 $600 $63 = $537 AT&T Preferred Stock Yield = $537/$10,000 = 0. 0537 or 5. 37% Florida Muni Bonds $10,000 x 5% = $500 Not taxable, so no tax deductions Florida Muni Bonds Yield = $500/$10,000 = 0. 05 or 5%
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Pregnancy and Progressive Treatment Options
Part 1. The practice that I want to give is an OB/GYN. The reason why I want to have an OB/GYN is because I am fascinated with how babies are born, and what goes into everything during pregnancies. It is an absolute miracle. My practice exit be a little more involved than most OB/GNYs. I guess you could call it a one stop shop OB/GYN. I know that from my personal experience of having children, I always had to go to different places to get certain things done. Just for example, in order for me to get an ultrasound I would have to go to a hospital, my OB/GYN did not genuinely do them there.And when I needed to get blood work done, I had to do to Quest to have blood drawn. And when I had to deliver my baby, I had to go to the hospital. Now the OB/GYN that I have in mind I will have all of that there. There will be an area of the remediates office for women who need to get blood work done, another area to do ultrasounds, and believe it or not, another area to deliver the baby. The a ttribute of people that I will have working at my practice will be first and for most, the OB/GYN. In other words, the baby impact. That will be the person who checks on the pregnant woman throughout her pregnancy, and the person who delivers as well.The next will be nurses. They are the ones who will help the doctors, and help take care of the endurings. The next will be the ultrasound technicians. The people who will be giving the girls their ultrasounds. The other people that I will have be working there are the technicians who will do your blood work. And of course there will be the girls who work behind the desk, the assistants who document appointments, file the paper work, things like that. I almost forgot to clarify that my OB/GYN will only be for pregnant women. I think that it makes it easier that way, just to localise on one thing.And that is the type of practice that I will have. Part 2. Missions Statement As a premier medical group in Bristol Pennsylvania, our rema inder is to provide current, quality comprehensive medical care to a large number of area women in their pregnancy. We continuously strive to create a patient to doctor relationship that goes beyond todays standard, partnering with our patients through education, diagnosis, progressive treatment options and ongoing care, while providing the best care to our pregnant patients. Making them disembodied spirit comfortable as much as possible.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Of mice and men assignment Essay
Curley is physiologic all toldy warring towards Lennie, while his married wo soldiery is sexually provocative. These two characters create agitate for Lennie from the lead up and combine to suit of clothes his devastation in the end.The main points that I will indicate how Curleys physically aggression towards Lennie helps to be belongs his death in the end be* When he original meets George and Lennie* When he is reflectioning for a fight with someone* When his married woman is killed he distillery need to bring in LennieThe main points that I will show how Curleys married woman sexually provocative towards Lennie helps to causes his death in the end are* When she rootage meets George and Lennie* When Lennie is with glass and Crooks in the flow house* At the end when both of them are in the barn simply together* til now when she is dead as Lennie knows that George will be mad at himThis essay will argue that Curley is physically aggressive towards Lennie while hi s wife is sexually provocative. Both characters combine to cause his death.The physical aggression towards Lennie starts when Curley first meets Lennie and George,Curley lashed his body around. By Christ, hes gotta talk when hes spoken to. What the hell are you getting into it for?We jus come in, say Lennie diffusedly. Curley sta sanguine levelly at him. headspring, nex time you answer when youre spoken to. He move towards the door and walked give remote, his elbows were still bent expose a undersize. From the two passages you disregard underwrite that Curleys physical aggression towards Lennie starts early in the book and is caused by Lennie non talking. This is caused subsequently he tries quizzing them again subsequently the boss had good finished, his father. He takes an instant disliking towards Lennie. Curley tries to show the two who is the boss and that they should mess with him nevertheless, by flexing his muscles and taking a fighting crouch solely Curley i s taken by surprise when Lennie answers him in a soft voice, because Curley leaves the bunk house walking with his muscles still flexed.The swamper (Candy) saysCurleys equivalent a lot of small(a) guys. He hates bounteous guys. Hes alla time picking scraps with come insize guys. Kind of identical hes mad at em because he aint a spectacular guy. You seen little guys like that, aint you? Al authoritys scrapping? Sure, give tongue to George. I seen plenty tough little guys. scarcely this Curley smash not make no mistake close to Lennie. Lennie aint feedy, but this Curley punk is gonna get hurt if he messes around with Lennie. Well, Curleys pretty pop offy, the swamper said sceptically. From this you find out that Curley is meant to be handy and can fight, in addition that Lennie my not be able to fight but is strong. You also get the go throughing that you know that both of them are going to cross paths one way or another. Also Steinbeck is warning of the power and stre ngth of Lennie in the same way with the mouse that Lennie has at the start of the book.Curleys wife sexually provocative towards Lennie also starts when she first meets the pair, Lennie and George.Both men glanced up, for the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off. A girl was standing there feel in. She had full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eye, heavily make up. Her fingernails were red. Her hair hung in little rolled clusters, like sausages. She wore a cotton house dress and red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers. Im lookin for Curley, she said. Her voice had a nasal, brittle quality. George looked away from her and then back.He was in here a minute ago, but he went. Oh She put her reach behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was pull inn forward. Youre the new fellas that unsloped come, aint ya? Yeah. Lennies eyes moved down all over her body, and thought she did not take administer to be looking at Lennie she bridled a little. She looked at her fingernails, sometimes Curleys in here, she explained. George said brusquely, Well he aint now. If he aint a guess I better look some place else, se said playfully. Lennie watched her, fascinated. George said, If I see him, Ill pass the intelligence service you was looking for him. She smiled archly and twitched her body. Nobody cant blame a person for lookin, she said. Lennie still stared at the doorway where she had been. Gosh, she was purty. He smiled admiringly. George looked quickly down at him and then he took him by an ear and agitate him. Listen to me, you crazy bastard, he said fiercely. Dont you even take a look at that bitch. I jadet care what she says and what she does. I seen em poison before, but I never seen no piece of confine bait worse than her. You leave her be. Lennie tried to disengage his ear. I never done nothing, George. No, you never. save when she was standin in the doorway showin her leg, you wasnt l ooking the other way, neither.The way in which Steinbeck describes Curleys wife makes her come across as I tart. George thinks that she is a tramp, jail bait and a rat trap. George also gets concerned when Lennie say that she is purty. In this chapter Steinbeck makes the ranch great(p) scary, a sense of fear like he want you to know something bad is going to emit with out telling you.The succeeding(a) physical aggression towards Lennie is when Curley is looking for his wife and is accusing Slim. They walk in to the bunk house and Slim is fed-up with Curley asking him somewhat his wife and permits him know but Curley dose not want to fight with Slim. He then looks around the room, Carlson also had a dig at Curley but Curley did not want to fight with him either. He knows that he will have a bit of pettifoggery with both of these men. accordingly Candy says something and Curley just looks straight and him but then notices Lennie and think of fighting with him. His eyes slipped on past and lighted on Lennie and Lennie was still smiling with delight at the memory of the ranch. Curley stepped over to Lennie lie a terrier. What the hell you laughin at? Lennie looked blankly at him. Huh? Then Curleys rage exploded. exercise on, ya big bastard. Get up on your feet. No big son-of-a-bitch is gonna laugh at me. Ill show ya hows yella. Lennie looked hopelessly at George, and then he got up and tried to retreat. Curley was balanced and poised. He thinned at Lennie with left, and then smashed him down his nose with a right. Lennie gave a cry of terror. Blood welled from his nose. George, he cried. Make um let me alone, George. He backed until he was against the wall, and Curley followed, slugging him in the face. Lennies give remained at his sides he was too frightened to defend himself.Curley attacked his stomach and cut off his wind. Slim jumped up. The dirty little rat, he cried, Ill get um myself. George put out his hand and grabbed Slim. Wait a minute, he sho uted. He cupped his reach around his mouth and yelled, Get him Lennie Lennie took his hands away from his face and looked about for George, and Curley slashed at his eyes. The big face was covered with blood. George yelled again, I said get him. Curleys fist was swinging when Lennie reached for it. The succeeding(a) minute Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, and his closed fist was at sea in Lennies big hand. George ran down the room.Leggo of him, Lennie. Let go. But Lennie watched in terror the flopping little man whom he held. Blood ran down Lennies face, one of his eyes was cut and closed. George slapped him in the face again and again, still Lennie held on to the closed fist. Curley was white and shrunken by now, and his struggling had become weak. He stood crying, his fist muddled in Lennies scrape. George shouted over and over, Leggo his hand, Lennie. Leggo. Slim, come help me while the guy got any hand left. Suddenly Lennie let go his checker. He crouched cowerin g against the wall. You tol me to, George, he said miserably. Curley sat down on the floor, looking in wonder at his crushed hand. Slim and Carlson bent over him. Then Slim straightened up and regarded Lennie with horror. We got to get him to a doctor, he said. Looks to me like ever bone in his han is bust.The fight started after Carlson said to Curley,Youre as yella as a frogThen after Candy joins in saying to Curley in disgust,Glove fulla VaselineThis makes Curley feel angry that everyone is saying this to him. He notices that Lennie is smiling, he think that he is smiling at Curley so he orders him to his feet and begins fighting with Lennie. Lennie is too scared to fight back and just stands there. Steinbeck makes a comment of Lennie being animal like,He stood crying, his fist lost in Lennies paw.Steinbeck descries Lennie as being like a bear being very powerful once Lennie had hold of something or someone he wont let go. Just like the girl in Weed, the little mouse, Curleys han d, the little brown and whit puppy and Curleys wife in the end.The next time Curleys wife is sexually provocative towards Lennie is when she goes in to Crooks room trying to find out where her husband has gone.She stood still in the doorway, smiling a little at them, rubbing the nails of one of her hand with the thumb and forefinger of the other. And her eyes travelled from one face to another. They left all the week ones here, she said finally. Think I dont know where they all went? Even Curley. I know where they all went. Lennie watched he, fascinated but Candy and Crooks were scowling down away from her eyes. Candy said, Then if you know, why you want to ast us where Curley is at?You can tell that Curleys wife is sexually provocative towards Lennie and she calls him a dum-dum then stands in the doorway flirting with the weak ones. Candy and Crooks were scowling down away from her eyes where as Lennie was fascinated by her, that shows his feeling towards her, being several(predic ate) from the other two men.The next time Curleys wife is sexually provocative towards Lennie is when she goes in to the barn where Lennie is playing with his new puppy, while everyone is in a horseshoes competition. The two are alone in the barn together for the first time. Curleys wife moved away from him a little. I think youre kooky, she said. No I aint, Lennie explained earnestly. George says I aint. I like to pet nice things with my fingers, sof things. She was a little bit reassured. Well, how dont? She said. Ever body likes that. I like to feel silk an velvet. Do you like to feel velvet? Lennie chuckled with pleasure. You bet, by God, he cried happily. An I had some, too. A lady gave me some, an that lady was my own Aunt Clara. She gave it right to me- about this big a piece. I wished I had that velvet right now. A frown came over his face. I lost it, he said. Aint seen it for a long time. Curleys wife laughed at him. Youre nuts, she said. But youre kinda nice fella. Jus l ike a big baby. But a person can see kinda what you mean. When Im doin my hair sometimes I jus set an stroke it cause its soft. To show how she did it, she ran her fingers over the top of her head. Some people got kinda coarse hair, she said complacently. Take Curley. His hair is jus like wire. But mine is soft and fine. Course I brush it a lot. That makes it fine. Here- feel right here.She took Lennies hand and put it on her head. Feel right aroun there an see how soft it is. Lennies big fingers fell to stroking her hair. Dont you muss it up, she said. Lennie said Oh Thats nice, and he stroked harder. Oh, thats nice. Look out, now, youll muss it. And then she cried angrily, You stop it now, youll mess it all up. She jerked her head sideways, and Lennies fingers closed on her hair and hung on. Let go, she cried. You let go Lennie was in a panic. His face was contorted. She screamed then, and Lennies other hand closed over her mouth and nose. Please dont, he begged. Oh Please dont do that. Georgell be mad. She struggled violently under his hands. Her feet battered on the hay and she writhed to be free and from under Lennies hand came a muffled screaming. Lennie began to cry with fright. Oh Pleas dont do non of that, he begged. George gonna say I done a bad thing. He aint gonna let me tend no rabbits.He moved his hand a little and her hoarse cry came out. Then Lennie grew angry. Now dont, he said. I dont want you to yell. You gonna get me in trouble jus like George says you will. Now dont you do that. And she continued to struggle, and her eyes were wild with terror. He agitate her then, and he was angry with her. Dont you go yellin, he said and shook her and her body flopped like a fish. And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck. He looked down at her, and carefully he removed his hands from over her mouth, and she lay still. I dont want ta hurt you, he said. But Georgell be mad if you yell. When she didnt answer nor move he bent closely over her. He lifted her arm and let it drop. For a moment he seemed bewildered. And then he whispered in fright, I done a bad thing. I done a bad thing. He pawed up the hay until it partly covered herAll the trouble starts when she tries to be nice to Lennie by comforting him about the dead pup. When the two get talking they both go on about different thing, not really communicating just talking about their own problems. They both find that they have something in common which are soft things and even thou she know the strength of Lennie and that she thinks hes nuts she still encourage him to play with her hair.When Curley wife starts to scream Lennie does what hes done in the past, squeezed the sprightliness out of it just like the mice, woman in Weed, Little pup and Curleys hand.Steinbeck describes the attack by Lennie on Curley and Curleys wife in the same way, Like I fish which when you think of a limp fish it does nothing and is useless.Finally the next time Curleys wife is contributes t owards Lennies death is when she is dead as Lennie know that George will not be happy with him. I done a real bad thing, he said. I shouldnt of did that. Georgell be mad. Anhe saidan hide in the brush till he come. Hes gonna be mad. In the brush till he come. Thas what he said. Lennie went back and looked at the dead girl. The puppy lay close to her. Lennie picked it up. Ill throw him away, he said. Its bad enough like it is. He put the pup under his coat, and he crept to the barn wall and peered out between the cracks, toward the horseshoe game. And then he crept around the end of the persist manger and disappeared.After killing Curleys wife Lennie knows that George will not be happy with what he has done, killing the pup and well as Curleys wife. He remembers to go and hide and decided that he must hide the dog.Finally the next time Curley shows his physical aggression towards Lennie is when he finds out his wife had been killed.Curley came suddenly to life. I know who done it, h e cried. That big son-of-a-bitch done it. I know he done it. Why- ever body else was out there playin horseshoes. He worked himself into a fury. Im gonna get him. Im going for my shotgun. Ill kill the big-son-of-a-bitch myself. Ill shoot im in the guts. Come on, you guys. He ran furiously out of the barnSlim stood looking down at Curleys wife. He said, Curley- perhaps you better stay here with your wife. Curleys face reddened. Im goin, he said. Im gonna shoot the guts outta that big bastard myself, even if I only got one hand. Im gonna get im.When Curley finds out his wife has been killed by Lennie he feel humiliated by this and the fact that its happened twice make him want revenge more. The fact that he dose not care about his wife, the fact that Slim touches his wife to find out what is up with her and to make sure she is dead. If he did care about her as well then he would have not cared about going out to kill Lennie he would have wanted to stay with his wife. Steinbeck makes Curley sound like a cold man who just wants Lennie dead. Although Lennie is shot by George in the end as Steinbeck make you fell that George ought to do it him self. As earlier in the book when Candy lets someone kill his dog he regrets it from the first moment and say that he should have killed it himself.From what I have found within of mice and men Curley is physically aggressive towards Lennie, while his wife is sexually provocative. These two characters create trouble for Lennie from the start and combine to cause his death in the end.Curleys physically aggression towards Lennie that helps to causes his death in the end was* The first opposition with George and Lennie* Looking for a fight with someone* After wife is killed he still want to get LennieCurleys wife sexually provocative towards Lennie which helps to causes his death in the end were* The first meeting with George and Lennie* When Lennie is with Candy and Crooks in the bunk house* At the end when both of them are in the barn alone together* Even when she is dead as Lennie knows that George will be mad at himI feel that they both help to contribute towards Lennies death in the end both in different way.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Heroââ¬â¢s in Greek Literature Essay
In modern times the word sub can be used to describe many different people. For example, a scientist that develops a cure for support would be thought of to be heroic. Or perhaps one might deem teachers heroic for regulate the youth of tomorrow. Although these jobs are noble, they would not be deemed heroic by the Greeks. Todays definition of a hero is comparatively broad to that of which the Greeks would have considered the term of hero to describe. More accurately, a hero is roundone who puts themselves in a position of death in order to obtain a morally just cause. This musical matter of self sacrifice is what makes a hero. In Greek literature, especially in poetry, there are several examples of heroes and heroines. I will specifically discuss Achilles of Homers Iliad, as well as Antigone in Sophocles Antigone, and why their character is of heroic stature.In early Greek literature, such(prenominal) as Homers Iliad, a hero was more parallel to the concept of a warrior. In boo k I of The Iliad, Achilles is not just portrayed as a warrior, but is in detail introduced as godlike (Homer, 107). Achilles is an exemplum of one of the defining characteristics of epic poems in that he possesses godlike qualities, such as superhuman strength. In epic poems, the intervention and presence of the Greek gods is a persisting trait. Achilles is born of some(prenominal) mortal and immortal persons, his father a militant mortal Peleus and his drive the sea nymph Thetis. receivable to these qualities and over the course of the poem, Achilles proves himself to be the most capable warrior of all.Moreover, Achilles also proves himself a hero by surmising to the idea of self sacrifice. It has always been known that if Achilles kills Hector during the Greek and Trojan War, he will at some point be put to death by the gods. As described in book IX, My m other(a) Thetis, a moving silver grace, tells me two fates sweep me on my death. If I stay here and fight, Ill never return legal residence, but my glory will be undying forever. If I return home my glory is lost but my life will be long, (Homer, 141). Therefore Achilles does have the option of passage home and living a long life. However, it is the death of Patroclus, Achilles best friend, that sways him to fight even though a sure death will come. This choice is namely why Achilles is a hero.Another central theme to a Greek hero is that he is unable to be destroyed by any other man and therefore a central theme of self- destructiveness exists (Whitman).
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Star government
But with the government moving to reduce the countrys reliance on subsidies for uel, energy capability and sustainability are becoming important elements for worryes to look into as a means of compulsive embodys. The pump price of fuel was recently raised by 20 sen. As a endpoint of this a hike in the cost of almost everything else Is expected to follow. The take for energy cleverness Is particularly telling for the small and medium enterprises (SME) given that they dont always have the economies of scale that larger corporauons do.The rising cost of energy will be a new challenge for SMEs In their quest to stay forrad of the curve in Increasingly competitive markets. Kenmart Being energy effective is not Just well-nigh cutting your cost of energy. It is also about being more juicy in using your energy. tone at the current situation, SMEs will need to look at alternatives to differentiate themselves In the market. Energy efficiency is not Just hype. It will help them to be more cost-competitive, said Kristo Kenmart, head of industry business for Schneider Electric Industries (M) Sdn Bhd.The Schneider Electric Group Is a French multinational corporation that specialises in energy management. It presently has operations in more than 100 tOf3 wages are rising and the price of petrol has asleep(p) up. This means a significant increase in cost for SMEs, Kenmart said. SMEs can reduce one of their of import cost components by being energy efficient, he said. Energy has become one of the strategic factors driveway business decisions and competitiveness. Businesses and consumers are increasingly considering the energy efficiency of the products and services they buy and use to yield uttermost return on investment (ROI).Governments are also starting to see the importance of supporting the energy- efficiency agenda among SMEs. Schneider Electric offers dissolvers for companies in a wide range of industries. The Singapore government estimates that energy c ost make up about 13% of the operating costs for the countrys manufacturing SMEs and it recently announced a S $17mil (RM42. 8mil) allocation to help SMEs assess, monitor and improve their energy efficiency. The goal of the initiative is to help some ccc SMEs achieve at least 10% savings in energy costs over the close three years.Australia has similarly rolled out an energy sustainability programme for SMEs. Malaysia has yet to announce its Energy readiness Master Plan and there is currently little effort in addressing energy efficiency in the SME sector. However, the Government has pledged to reduce Malaysias carbon footprint by 40% by 2020. Kenmart believes that the current economic condition in Malaysia will accelerate the awareness energy efficiency and efforts to educate companies about the need for it. We have seen some clients looking seriously into it. The number of companies doing this is growing daily. But being energy efficient is not Just about cutting your cost of en ergy. It is also about being more productive in using your energy or getting more out of the energy that you are using, he said. Schneider Electric offers various energy-efficiency solutions or clients across all industries to boost the productivity of energy through applied science and processes.The adoption of energy-efficient solutions among SMEs here is in its infancy, which spells plenty of growth opportunities for Schneider Electric to further explore this segment of business. in that respect is still a lot of opportunity to develop the business here. Certainly there are many challenges. But we have also seen many successes as well, he said. He acknowledges that among the main concerns for many companies in implementing energy-efficiency solutions is the cost of implementation nd the ROI period, which is understandable given their limited resources.Notably, there is no one-size-fits-all kind of solution as SMEs vary in size and operations. Schneider Electric has carved out s pecific solutions for the various types of SME outfits consort to the industries they are in, such as data centres, manufacturing and service providers. But Kenmart assured that Schneider Electric has documented the typical benefits and ROI for companies embarking on such solutions. He says the companys solutions also often include proposals on how to fund the adoption of nergy efficiency.
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