Monday, March 18, 2019
Evolution: Science vs. Religion :: essays research papers fc
"What is the most profound question thathuman beings faeces ask about themselves?It has to be Where do we come from?That leads, of course, to Where does every behavior come from?" These questions haveinterested humanity for years. Many antithetical fools on the blood of humankindhave been debated and remain in questiontoday. ( Edey, pg.1 ) unmatched view is known as "creation-science".It is commonly understood to refer to amovement of Christian fundamentalistsbased upon an extremely literalinterpretation of the Bible.Creation-scientists do not merely insistthat animation was suddenly created they insistthat the chisel was completed in six days nomore than cristal thousand years ago, andthat all evolution since that time hasinvolved visionary modifications rather thenbasic changes. The population of fossils,according to a Creation-scientist, isattributed to Noahs flood. ( Johnson,pg.4 )"Creationism", new(prenominal) view on mansorigin, means belief in creation in a moregeneral sense. A Creationist may believethat the ground is billions of years old, andthat simple forms of life evolved inertlyto form more labyrinthian forms includinghumans. In addition to that belief,however, is the belief that a supernaturalCreator initiated the life process andcontinues to control it. ( Johnson, pg.4 )The most reasonable view on the origin ofmankind is known as naturalistic evolution.It means a gradual process by which onekind of living creature changes intosomething different evolution that is notdirected by any purposeful intelligence. some other part of the idea is that morecomplex forms have arisen from simplerforms. Tracing anchor to the simplest livingthing, a bacterium, scientists may find theorigin of mankind by finding somethingeven simpler, something out of whichbacteria themselves came. Recent work hasrevealed the existence of a group ofbacteria that are as different from otherbacteria as the latter are from plants andanimals. This discovery compels theshakeup of all life forms into afamily tree unlike the traditional ones. Outof this reorganization comes a strongsuggestion that there is a single originto all modern forms of life. ( Edey, pg.297)The abundance of evidence that there waslife ofttimes earlier then ten thousand yearsago makes it unaffixed to disprove the view ofthe Creation-scientists. It is hard todisprove the Creationists view because itis similar to the view of naturalisticevolution. The only difference is simplythat a Creationist believes in a divineCreator as opposed to life beginningnaturally. An blood againstCreationism can be found, however, in theimperfections of nature. " ideal couldbe imposed by a wise Creator or bynatural selection. Perfection covers thetracks of past history. And past history --the evidence of descent -- is the mark of
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